Day Clinics

Our Day Clinics provide treatment to patients with mental disorders for whom outpatient treatment is not sufficient but inpatient treatment is no longer necessary.

Through our close ties with the inpatient units of the Max Planck Institute, our patients have access to all of our modern diagnostic and therapeutic resources. Treatment at the day clinic enables us to provide intensive, highly qualified medical, psychotherapeutic and social care, but with the patient remaining in their home environment.

Our day clinics are situated in 2 locations. Registration for treatment should be carried out through your treating physician.

As a small independent unit of an excellently equipped specialist clinic, we are able to create a very personal therapeutic milieu. In addition, we have access to all departments of the clinic's fully inpatient area and are always medically up to date thanks to our renowned research department. [more]
Our available therapies are aimed primarily at patients with depression, schizophrenia, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder. In addition to optimal medical and psychotherapeutic treatment, we place emphasize on reintegration into the workforce as a focus of therapy. [more]
Our day clinic is focused on psychotherapy, concentrating mostly on schema therapy, behavioral therapy and individual supportive therapy. Additionally, our patients are usually treated with pharmacotherapy. [more]

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