Bio- and Neurofeedback

Bio- and Neurofeedback

The interplay of physiological, cognitive and emotional processes plays an important role in numerous mental illnesses. Bio- or neurofeedback describes the direct feedback of mostly unconscious or imperceptible emotional body reactions. These interactions can be illuminated with the help of the bio- and neurofeedback. This is done by specifically training the perception to these reactions, making any changes in these processes visible.

Biofeedback, e.g., heartbeat, skin conductivity or brain currents can be measured during a psychotherapy session. Feedback variability is shown, for example, during a relaxation method using a computer-aided, graphical representation. In this way, connections of thoughts, feelings, body and behavior can be demonstrated. This strengthens the patient’s confidence in coping with mental crises. Thus, bio- and neurofeedback provides an important contribution to the individual treatment of many different mental illnesses. Biofeedback therapy has proved to be particularly successful in stress-related disorders, painful diseases, tinnitus, etc.

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