Learning to Sleep

Learning to Sleep

Group program for in- and outpatients

The sleep school is a group program and training procedure for outpatients and inpatients for whom problems initiating and maintaining sleep forms part of their depression. Patients with other psychiatric disorders can also participate with prior arrangement.


  • To transfer knowledge and training on sleep and sleep disorders
  • To understand and practice soporific behavior
  • To improve sleep quality
  • To remedy the sleep disturbance
  • To exchange experience among the participants

 The training is divided into 4 modules, each with a theoretical and practical part, on the following subjects:

  • Module 1: Sleep hygiene, light therapy
  • Module 2: Normal sleep/ sleep stages, sleep myths, bodily functions during sleep, journey of phantasy (practical exercise)
  • Module 3: The vicious circle of sleep disorders, possible causes of sleep disorders, list of pleasant activities, powernapping (Practical Exercise)
  • Module 4: Medication/ sleep apnea, alcohol and sleep, herbal preparations, sleeping aids 

The individual sleep problems of the participants are discussed in a detailed individual discussion.

All participants keep a sleep diary and stay in touch with the sleep school between lessons. Participants report on their previous nights’ sleep and the sleep quality. Patients then receive further suggestions of practical measures and/ or exercises for improving the sleep quality.

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