Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific Advisory Board

The scientific achievements of the Institute are reviewed by internationally recognized scientists every two years. On the basis of a detailed report, the Scientific Advisory Board, consisting of experts appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society, evaluates and advises the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry.

Name Facility
Prof. Dr. Eero Castrén (Chair ) Neuroscience Center
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Dr. John Cryan University College Cork
Cork, Ireland
Prof. Dr. Josh Huang School of Medicine
Duke University
Durham , USA
Prof. Dr. Denis Jabaudon Neurocenter
Geneva University
Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Marion Leboyer IMRB - Mondor Biomedical Research Institute
Créteil, France
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lüthi Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Martin Paulus Laureate Institute for Brain Research
Tulsa, USA
Prof. Dr. Brenda Penninx Department of Psychiatry
University Medical Centers
University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands



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