
The list might not be complete.

Hans Driesch Sience Award
The prize, worse 5,000 Euros, is intended to honor scientific courage and/or innovative, interdisciplinary thinking. Anyone can nominate researchers who have earned their PhD / doctoral degree. Nominations handed in until 31 March will be taken into account in the current year; nominations handed in afterwards will be taken into account in the following year. more
Ingrid zu Solms Prize
Every other year, the University of Frankfurt awards the Ingrid zu Solms Prize for Medicine. Eligible are female researchers active in basic clinical research or medical psychotherapy, who are asked to hand in their original works (habilitation or publications complying with international peer review standards).
Also every other year, the University of Frankfurt awards the Ingrid zu Solms Prize for Natural Sciences. Eligible are female researchers active in informatics, mathematics or physics, who are asked to hand in their original works (habilitation or publications complying with international peer review standards). more
Jung Foundation
The foundation awards three prizes for medicine each year: - The Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine is awarded to individuals or projects showing a certain potential for the development of new therapeutic approaches - The Golden Ernst Jung Medal for Medicine is awarded for almost completed scientific contributions to medical advancement - The Ernst Jung Incentive Award for Medical Research is awarded to physicians from abroad who want to continue their projects in Germany. more
Klaus Tschira Foundation
The foundation awards the Klaus Tschira Prize KlarText! to junior researchers for making research comprehensible. Eligible are postgraduates in the fields of biology, chemistry, informatics, mathematics, neurosciences or physics, who have earned their PhD / doctoral degree in the previous year and are interested in summarizing their results in a popular science publication. The best texts will be awarded 5,000 Euros each. more
Körber Foundation
Each year, the foundation awards the „Deutscher Studienpreis“ to researchers of any discipline who have earned their PhD / doctoral degree with distinction (magna or summa cum laude) in the previous year and can prove in a clear and convincing way that their research is of relevance to society. more
Louis Jeatet Foundation
Each year, the foundation is spends about 4 million CHF on biomedical research and awards the Louis Jeantet Prize for Medicine to advanced investigators in Europe. The prize is not intended to honor (almost) completed research projects but to support ongoing projects. In addition, the Louis Jeantet Young Investigator Career Award is awarded in support of junior biomedical researchers in Europe. more
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