Outpatient Clinic for Social Interaction Disorders
Various mental disorders can impair the ability to socially interact and communicate with others. Differential diagnosis is not always easy but is pivotal for targeted individualised therapy. Problems in social relationships can, e.g., arise if somebody has difficulties in understanding the gestures and facial expressions of others, which often leads to misunderstandings. Other people react so sensitively to these signals that they experience them as unpleasant, to such an extent that they may become excited and/or emotionally withdrawn. Some people find it particularly difficult to make small talk, with others noticing that they do not exert any influence and, as a result, have dissatisfactory social interactions.
Our Outpatient Clinic for Social Interaction Disorders offers treatment for adults with the above-mentioned complaints and/or suspected high-functioning autism, chronic depression and social phobia. Adolescents transitioning to adulthood can also be treated. After referral by a local neurologist or psychiatrist you can make an appointment with us (see below). At the appointment, the patient will be examined by a specialist and, if necessary further diagnostic measures will be carried out. On the basis of diagnostic classification and previous therapy, we will either plan an individually adjusted therapy or give advice on how to optimize an already existing therapy.
Furthermore, we offer group therapy for adults with high-functioning autism (MATE: Munich Autism-Therapy group for Adults). Here, participants receive in-depth information on autism and, based on practical exercises, can work out and train together to learn how to reduce stress in everyday life and cope more easily with social situations.
Moreover, this therapy group is scientifically supported by the research group “Social Neurosciences” in order to systematically study which aspects and contents of the group therapy are helpful for the participants.
Our mission is to improve the diagnosis and therapy of social interaction disorders. Therefore, we carry out scientific studies in collaboration with the research group “Social Neurosciences” in order to characterize the neurobiological mechanisms social interactions and from this, derive therapeutic methods and procedures.
For general questions, please contact us during our telephone consultation hours from Monday to Friday from 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm (Phone 089-30622-1) or, alternatively, contact us by email: Interaktionsambulanz@....
To make an appointment, please contact us either by phone (phone number: 089-30622-230) or by email: Interaktionsambulanz@....
We also offer consultations in English.