Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

The target group for occupational therapy is primarily patients who are seeking to reintegrate into the workplace or who are planning to take part in a vocational rehabilitation program.

Occupational therapy - a sub-area of ergotherapy

Occupational therapy is a treatment area within ergotherapy in which work is used as a means of therapy under realistic conditions. The patient increasingly changes from a passive to an active role (definition DVE).

Our aim is to provide concrete assistance in returning to work and to open up realistic career prospects. To this end, occupational therapy offers the opportunity to determine personal work ability and to identify and deal with work-related problems at an early stage. Activity- and job-specific skills and abilities are trained using behavioral therapy techniques. It is also possible to promptly initiate further measures for participation in working life.



Getting support

  • cognitive skills such as perception, attention, concentration and work planning
  • social and communication skills such as assertiveness and adaptability, sociability, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership skills
  • key work-related skills such as initiative, perseverance, critical control, frustration tolerance, orderliness, punctuality, independence, diligence and a sense of responsibility
  • personality-related skills such as self-assessment, self-awareness and self-confidence



Participating in occupational therapy

Following a medical prescription from the respective treating physician, occupational therapy begins with an initial contact interview regarding the occupational and work history and a workplace analysis. An individual therapy plan is drawn up in consultation with our patients using action-oriented diagnostics. This is reviewed during the course of therapy and adjusted if necessary.



Diagnostics and training

Occupational therapy works closely with psychosocial counseling and is in close contact with the treating physicians on the respective wards and day clinics through continuous participation in ward rounds.

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