Young Adults aged 18 to 25 (Ward 4)
On our transitional ward, we offer treatment for young people with symptoms of an affective or anxiety disorder. Our concept offers crisis intervention in a difficult phase of life, a differentiated diagnosis and multimodal treatment. In this way, we want to enable the young adults to make use of further appropriate help after their stay with us and regain a foothold in their lives (a return to school, apprenticeship/studies, or job).
The transition from adolescent to adult psychiatry is often difficult for young people between the ages of 18 and 25. We therefore offer a transition ward that is tailored to this age group. It is precisely during this sensitive developmental phase that symptoms of mental illness can appear for the first time. It is important to clarify as early as possible what may be behind this and to initiate individually tailored treatment as early as possible.
A special feature of our research hospital is the combination of a peer-based approach with a cross-generational approach: even if the young people are among themselves in many groups, they have the opportunity to learn from older people in cross-ward groups and in everyday ward life, and vice versa.
As part of the differentiated diagnostics, we also carry out neuropsychological testing if indicated. We offer a multimodal treatment concept: In psychotherapeutic treatment, we focus on a modular concept with schema therapy in individual and group settings. If necessary, neuropsychological deficit and resource-oriented training supplements the treatment. Socio-educational support, occupational therapy and sports therapy are further components during the stay.