Service BioPRep
Tasks of the Core Unit BioPRep
Documentation: Each sample is documented with the associated study code name and the 2D barcode, its content and the current location. The management of the biospecimens will be pseudonymized and with the consent of the donor for further use of the biological material.
Aliquoting: Depending on the sample material, a defined volume is divided into FluidX tubes and stored accordingly.
Sample preparation: The sample material is processed with suitable extraction methods to obtain DNA, RNA and PBMCs.
Quality control: If required, photometric measurements of DNA/RNA concentration as well as purity are performed.
Normalization of DNA and RNA
Plate loading with DNA, RNA, serum, saliva etc. for further applications
Sample storage under optimal conditions
Material distribution: Samples are distributed only after approval by the study leader. For this purpose, the samples are identified, taken from the storage location, the entire material or only a partial quantity is dispensed. If necessary, the samples are shipped. The sample output is documented.
Standard Methods
- DNA and RNA extraction from different materials using different methods
- PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell) Isolation
- Automated Plate Loading
- Various ELISA kits
- Aliquoting of samples
Method development for different biomaterials.
Measurement of kits from different manufacturers e.g.:
- ACTH in plasma (human, mouse)
- Cortisol in saliva (human)
- Cortisol in serum (human)
- Corticosterone in plasma (mouse)
- CRP HS in serum (human)
- IL-6 HS in serum (human, mouse)
- Leptin in cell culture supernatant
- Testosterone in serum/plasma (human, mouse)