Service Virus Production
Manufacture of custom lentiviral and adeno-associated viral vectors for individual researchers.
Manufacture and distribution of lentiviral and adeno-associated viral vectors expressing reporter transgenes
Provision of space and machinery for injection of viruses and post-treatment habituation of mice in compliance with S2 regulations
Distribution of the stock of delta G Rabies and CAV-2 viral vectors expressing reporter transgenes
Storage and tracking of all viruses in the institute
Training and performance of stereotaxic procedures
What to provide to the Core Unit
Cloning of the viral plasmid must be performed by the requestor: Please provide ~50µg (preferably >1µg/µl) of your lentiviral or rAAV plasmid for small scale production
Plasmid DNA should be tested for purity and have an A260/280 of >1.8
Lentiviral and AAV transfer plasmids should be digested with appropriate restriction enzymes to confirm correct insert size. Note: Excessive amounts of linearized full-length plasmid indicate that recombination has occurred
Vector map and sequence file
Information about the amount of virus required