Home Research Core Units Proteomics Equipment Maccarrone Equipment We are using the following equipmentNano-LC: RS 3000 Ultimate (Thermo Scientific, Dionex)Mass spectrometer: Q-Exactive Plus (Thermo Scientific)Instrumentation Ultimate 3000 RSLC System (Dionex) Nano LC System - interfaced directly to the Q-Exactive Plus for LC-MS/MS MPI/Giuseppina Maccarone Ultimate 3000 RSLC System (Dionex)Nano LC System - interfaced directly tothe Q-Exactive Plus for LC-MS/MS MPI/Giuseppina Maccarone Q-Exactive PlusTM (Thermo Fisher) Hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. MPI/Giuseppina Maccarone Q-Exactive PlusTM (Thermo Fisher)Hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. MPI/Giuseppina Maccarone