The Proteomics Core Unit provides consulting and state-of-the-art technologies and methods for:
- Proteome Profile
- Proteome Quantification
- Interactome
Samples processing including a variety of tissue types:
- Cellular extract
- Tissue extract
- Plasma/Serum
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
Mass spectrometry-based Proteomic Methods

© MPI of Psychiatry / G. Maccarrone
- Protein/peptide identification from in-gel digests
- Protein/peptide identification from gel-free digests
- Protein/peptide identification from Immuno affinity separation
- Single protein characterization
- Post-translational modifications mapping (e.g., phosphorylation, ubiquitination, acetylation)
- Multidimensional protein and peptide separation
- Relative protein quantification (label free, chemical labeling)
- Targeted protein/peptide quantification