Publikationen von R. Landgraf

Zeitschriftenartikel (250)

Brenndörfer, J.; Widner, R.; Czibere, L.; Wolf, C.; Touma, C.; Bettecken, R.; Landgraf, R.: Copy number variants in two mouse models of affective disorders. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 285 - 285 (2011)
Czibere, L.; Brehm, N.; Naik, R.; Herrmann, L.; Schmidt, U.; Landgraf, R.: Functional characterization of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the HAB/LAB mouse Tmem132d promoter. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 287 - 287 (2011)
Czibere, L.; Bunck, M.; Brehm, N.; Salvamoser, J.; Kessler, M. S.; Landgraf, R.: Phenotypic and genetic characterization of a short-term selective breeding for anxiety-related behavior. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 287 - 287 (2011)
Filiou, M. D.; Teplytska, L.; Gormanns, P.; Reckow, S.; Zhang, Y.; Frank, E.; Kessler, M. S.; Nussbaumer, M.; Maccarrone, G.; Landgraf, R. et al.; Turck, C. W.: Anxiety and mitochondria: Insights from the -omics world. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 289 - 289 (2011)
Grünecker, B.; Kaltwasser, S. F.; Sämann, P. G.; Wotjak, C. T.; Landgraf, R.; Czisch, M.: Basal cerebral activity in a mouse model of trait anxiety as revealed by in vivo manganese enhanced MRI and cytochrome-c oxidase staining. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 292 - 292 (2011)
Sah, A.; Markt, P.; Sotnikov, S. V.; Koehl, C.; Landgraf, R.; Singewald, N.: Adult neurogenesis in a mouse model of affective behavior: pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 305 - 305 (2011)
Singewald, N.; Hauschild, M.; Sartori, S. B.; Muigg, P.; Landgraf, R.; Hefner, K.; Camp, M.; Neumann, I. D.; Holmes, A.; Whittle, N.: Rodent models of impaired fear extinction: therapeutic approaches. European Neuropsychopharmacology 21 (Suppl. 3), S. S224 - S224 (2011)
Yen, Y.; Anderzhanova, E.; Kleinknecht, K.; Bunck, M.; Micale, V.; Landgraf, R.; Wotjak, C. T.: Inbred low anxiety-related behavior (LAB) mice - a mouse model of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 312 - 312 (2011)
Czibere, L.; Baur, L. A.; Wittmann, A.; Gemmeke, K.; Steiner, A.; Weber, P.; Pütz, B.; Ahmad, N.; Bunck, M.; Graf, C. et al.; Widner, R.; Kühne, C.; Panhuysen, M.; Hambsch, B.; Rieder, G.; Reinheckel, T.; Peters, C.; Holsboer, F.; Landgraf, R.; Deussing, J. M.: Profiling Trait Anxiety: Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Cathepsin B (Ctsb) as a Novel Candidate Gene for Emotionality in Mice. PLoS ONE 6 (8), e23604 (2011)
Yen, Y. C.; Anderzhanova, E.; Kleinknecht, K. R.; Micale, V.; Landgraf, R.; Wotjak, C. T.: Inbred low anxiety-related behavior mice: a mouse model of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Behavioural Pharmacology 22 (Suppl.), S. E34 - E34 (2011)
Lukas, M.; Bredewold, R.; Landgraf, R.; Neumann, I. D.; Veenema, A. H.: Early life stress impairs social recognition due to a blunted response of vasopressin release within the septum of adult male rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology 36 (6), S. 843 - 853 (2011)
Tasan, R. O.; Bukovac, A.; Peterschmitt, Y. N.; Sartori, S. B.; Landgraf, R.; Singewald, N.; Sperk, G.: Altered GABA Transmission in a Mouse Model of Increased Trait Anxiety. Neuroscience 183, S. 71 - 80 (2011)
Erhardt, A.; Czibere, L.; Roeske, D.; Lucae, S.; Unschuld, P. G.; Ripke, S.; Specht, M.; Kohli, M. A.; Kloiber, S.; Ising, M. et al.; Heck, A.; Pfister, H.; Zimmermann, P.; Lieb, R.; Pütz, B.; Uhr, M.; Weber, P.; Deussing, J. M.; Gonik, M.; Bunck, M.; Kessler, M. S.; Frank, E.; Hohoff, C.; Domschke, K.; Krakowitzky, P.; Maier, W.; Bandelow, B.; Jacob, C.; Deckert, J.; Schreiber, S.; Strohmaier, J.; Nöthen, M.; Cichon, S.; Rietschel, M.; Bettecken, T.; Keck, M. E.; Landgraf, R.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Holsboer, F.; Binder, E. B.: TMEM132D, a new candidate for anxiety phenotypes: evidence from human and mouse studies. Molecular Psychiatry 16 (6), S. 647 - 663 (2011)
Turck, C. W.; Landgraf, R.; Filiou, M. D.; Zhang, Y.; Webhofer, C.; Reckow, S.; Gormanns, P.; Ditzen, C.; Maccarrone, G.; Varadarajulu, J.: Biomarkers for anxiety disorders: proteomic and systems biology approaches. European Neuropsychopharmacology 21 (Suppl. 2), S. S110 - S111 (2011)
Fenzl, T.; Touma, C.; Romanowski, C. P. N.; Ruschel, J.; Holsboer, F.; Landgraf, R.; Kimura, M.; Yassouridis, A.: Sleep disturbances in highly stress reactive mice: Modeling endophenotypes of major depression. BMC Neuroscience 12, 29 (2011)
Sartori, S. B.; Baosheng, Z.; Neumann, I.; Landgraf, R.; Singewald, N.: Involvement of intra-coerulear galanin in enhanced depression-related behaviour and antidepressant pharmacotherapy. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 383 (Suppl. 1), S. 37 - 38 (2011)
Sartori, S. B.; Hauschild, M.; Bunck, M.; Gaburro, S.; Landgraf, R.; Singewald, N.: Enhanced Fear Expression in a Psychopathological Mouse Model of Trait Anxiety: Pharmacological Interventions. PLoS ONE 6 (2), e16849 (2011)
Kessler, M. S.; Bosch, O. J.; Bunck, M.; Landgraf, R.; Neumann, I. D.: Maternal care differs in mice bred for high vs. low trait anxiety: Impact of brain vasopressin and cross-fostering. Social Neuroscience 6 (2), S. 156 - 168 (2011)
Paslakis, G.; Lecei, O.; Stalla, G. K.; Landgraf, R.; Uhr, M.; Hamann, B.; Luppa, P.; Gilles, M.; Heuser, I.; Deuschle, M.: The effect of treatment with ketoconazole on central CRH systems of depressed patients. Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental 26 (1), S. 35 - 40 (2011)
Heinzmann, J. M.; Thoeringer, C. K.; Knapman, A.; Palme, R.; Holsboer, F.; Uhr, M.; Landgraf, R.; Touma, C.: Intrahippocampal Corticosterone Response in Mice Selectively Bred for Extremes in Stress Reactivity: A Microdialysis Study. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 22 (11), S. 1187 - 1197 (2010)
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