Publikationen von P. G. Sämann

Zeitschriftenartikel (135)

Sämann, P. G.; Tully, C.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Wetter, T. C.; Holsboer, F.; Wehrle, R.; Czisch, M.: Increased sleep pressure reduces resting state functional connectivity. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 23 (5-6), S. 375 - 389 (2010)
Spoormaker, V. I.; Sturm, A.; Andrade, K. C.; Schröter, M. S.; Goya-Maldonado, R.; Holsboer, F.; Wetter, T. C.; Sämann, P. G.; Czisch, M.: The neural correlates and temporal sequence of the relationship between shock exposure, disturbed sleep and impaired consolidation of fear extinction. Journal of Psychiatric Research 44 (16), S. 1121 - 1128 (2010)
Zihl, J.; Sämann, P.; Schenk, T.; Schuett, S.; Dauner, R.: On the origin of line bisection error in hemianopia. Neuropsychologia 47 (12), S. 2417 - 2426 (2009)
Goya-Maldonado, R.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Chechko, N.; Höhn, D.; Andrade, K.; Kluge, M.; Steiger, A.; Holsboer, F.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.: Subregional amygdala functional connectivity: normative maps and influence of oral citalopram in healthy volunteers. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), S. 219 - 219 (2009)
Höhn, D.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.: FMRI based resting state networks challenged as predictors of stress coping styles and personality traits in healthy volunteers. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), S. 223 - 223 (2009)
Lucae, S.; Kohli, M. A.; Schmidt, M. V.; Sämann, P. G.; Demirkan, A.; Hek, K.; Salyakina, D.; Ripke, S.; Roeske, D.; van Duijn, C. M. et al.; Uhr, M.; Bettecken, V.; Holsboer, F.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Binder, E. B.: The neuronal transporter gene SLC6A15 confers risk to major depression. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), S. 230 - 230 (2009)
Sämann, P. G.; Höhn, D.; Holsboer, F.; Czisch, M.: Proton-MR-spectroscopy (1 H-MRS) of the left hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex in recurrent unipolar depression: results from 176 subjects. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), S. 238 - 238 (2009)
Sievers, C.; Sämann, P. G.; Dose, T.; Dimopoulou, C.; Spieler, D.; Roemmler, J.; Schopohl, J.; Mueller, M.; Schneider, H. J.; Czisch, M. et al.; Pfister, H.; Stalla, G. K.: Macroscopic brain architecture changes and white matter pathology in acromegaly: a clinicoradiological study. Pituitary 12 (3), S. 177 - 185 (2009)
Czisch, M.; Wehrle, R.; Stiegler, A.; Peters, H.; Andrade, K.; Holsboer, F.; Sämann, P. G.: Acoustic Oddball during NREM Sleep: A Combined EEG/fMRI Study. PLoS ONE 4 (8), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006749 (2009)
Inkster, B.; Nichols, T. E.; Saemann, P. G.; Auer, D. P.; Holsboer, F.; Muglia, P.; Matthews, P. M.: Association of GSK3 beta Polymorphisms With Brain Structural Changes in Major Depressive Disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry 66 (7), S. 721 - 728 (2009)
Saemann, P.; Knop, M.; Lutz, S.; Czisch, M.; Weber, F.: Nachweis der Anreicherung von "Ultra Small Particles of Iron Oxide" in MS-Läsionen. Nervenarzt 80 (Suppl. 1), S. 12 - 13 (2009)
Chechko, N.; Wehrle, R.; Erhardt, A.; Holsboer, F.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.: Unstable Prefrontal Response to Emotional Conflict and Activation of Lower Limbic Structures and Brainstem in Remitted Panic Disorder. PLoS ONE 4 (5), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005537 (2009)
O`Sullivan, M.; Ngo, E.; Viswanathan, A.; Jouvent, E.; Gschwendtner, A.; Saemann, P. G.; Duering, M.; Pachai, E.; Bousser, M.-G.; Chabriat, H. et al.; Dichgans, M.: Hippocampal volume is an independent predictor of cognitive performance in CADASIL. Neurobiology of Aging 30 (6), S. 890 - 897 (2009)
Schmidt, M. V.; Czisch, M.; Sterlemann, V.; Reinel, C.; Sämann, P.; Müller, M. B.: Chronic social stress during adolescence in mice alters fat distribution in late life: Prevention by antidepressant treatment. Stress-the International Journal on the Biology of Stress 12 (1), S. 89 - 94 (2009)
Dresler, M.; Wehrle, R.; Koch, S.; Sämann, P. G.; Steiger, A.; Obrig, H.; Czisch, M.: Dream imaging - how to read the sleeping brain. Journal of Sleep Research 17 (Suppl. 1), S. 92 - 92 (2008)
Dieler, A. C.; Sämann, P. G.; Leicht, G.; Eser, D.; Kirsch, V.; Baghai, T. C.; Karch, S.; Schuele, C.; Pogarell, O.; Czisch, M. et al.; Rupprecht, R.; Mulert, C.: Independent Component Analysis Applied to Pharmacological Magnetic Resonance Imaging (phMRI): New Insights Into the Functional Networks Underlying Panic Attacks as Induced by CCK-4. Current Pharmaceutical Design 14 (33), S. 3492 - 3507 (2008)
O'Sullivan, M.; Jouvent, E.; Sämann, P. G.; Mangin, J. F.; Viswanathan, A.; Gschwendtner, A.; Bracoud, L.; Pachai, C.; Chabriat, H.; Dichgans, M.: Measurement of brain atrophy in subcortical vascular disease: A comparison of different approaches and the impact of ischaemic lesions. NeuroImage 43 (2), S. 312 - 320 (2008)
Chechko, N.; Czisch, M.; Erhardt, A.; Hoehn, D.; Wehrle, R.; Sämann, P.: Control of the anterior cingulate/mPFC over the amygdala: a longitudinal fMRI study in patients with panic disorder. Pharmacopsychiatry 40 (5), S. 230 - 230 (2007)
Lucae, S.; Marcus, I.; Saemann, P.; Bettecken, T.; Uhr, M.; Ripke, S.; Kohli, M.; Kloiber, S.; Bondy, B.; Rupprecht, R. et al.; Domschke, K.; Arolt, V.; Lichtner, P.; Holsboer, F.; Müller-Myhsok, B.: Whole genome analysis reveals new potential drug targets as predictors of antidepressant treatment response. Pharmacopsychiatry 40 (5), S. 213 - 213 (2007)
Sämann, P. G.; Höhn, D.; Chechko, N.; Kloiber, S.; Lucae, S.; Ising, M.; Holsboer, F.; Czisch, M.: Infralimbic prefrontal cortex structure affects therapy response dynamics in depressive disorder across clinical diagnostic entities. Pharmacopsychiatry 40 (5), S. 215 - 215 (2007)
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