Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Karla-Gerlinde Schraut

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Schraut, K.-G.; Kalnytska, O.; Lamp, D.; Jastroch, M.; Eder, M.; Hausch, F.; Gassen, N. C.; Moore, S.; Nagaraj, N.; Lopez, J. P. et al.; Chen, A.; Schmidt, M. V.: Loss of the psychiatric risk factor SLC6A15 is associated with increased metabolic functions in primary hippocampal neurons. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 53 (2), S. 390 - 401 (2021)
Engelhardt, C.; Tang, F.; Schraut, K.G.; Haeusl, A.; Poehlmann, M.; van Doeselaar, L.; Brix, L.; Bordes, J.; Deussing, J.; Schmidt, M.: Unravelling the influence of FKBP51 in the oval bed nucleus of the stria terminals on stress-induced anxiety. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 31, S. S34 - S35 (2020)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Hamann, C.; Schraut, K.G.; Ortega, G.; Lesch, K. -.; Schmitt-Boehrer, A.: Altered expression of genes related to the vasopressin and oxytocin brain systems: a study with 5-HTT deficient mice after experiencing prenatal stress. In JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION, 126 (11), S. 1530 - 1531. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Zoeller, J. E. M.; Weidner, M. T.; Schraut, K.G.; Schmitt-Boehrer, A.; Lesch, K.-P.; van den Hove, D.: Stress-induced epigenetic programming in serotonin transporter deficient mice: epigenetic editing: a strategy to cope with anxiety. In JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION, 126 (11), S. 1552 - 1552. International Congress of the World-Association-for-Stress-Related-and-Anxiety-Disorders (WASAD), Wurzburg, GERMANY, 03. Oktober 2019 - 05. Oktober 2019. (2019)
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