Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Claudia Kuhne

Zeitschriftenartikel (25)

Moosecker, S.; Pissioti, A.; Leidmaa, E.; Harb, M. R.; Dioli, C.; Gassen, N. C.; Yu, S.; Gazea, M.; Catania, C.; Anderzhanova, E. et al.; Patchev, A. V.; Kuhne, C.; Stoffel, R.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Almeida, O. F. X.: Brain Expression, Physiological Regulation and Role in Motivation and Associative Learning of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor y. NEUROSCIENCE 479, S. 91 - 106 (2021)
Fiori, L. M.; Kos, A.; Lin, R.; Theroux, J.-F.; Lopez, J. P.; Kühne, C.; Eggert, C.; Holzapfel, M.; Huettl, R. E.; Mechawar, N. et al.; Belzung, C.; Ibrahim, E. C.; Chen, A.; Turecki, G.: miR-323a regulates ERBB4 and is involved in depression. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2020)
Dedic, N.; Kühne, C.; Gomes, K. S.; Hartmann, J.; Ressler, K. J.; Schmidt, M. V.; Deussing, J. M.: Deletion of CRH From GABAergic Forebrain Neurons Promotes Stress Resilience and Dampens Stress-Induced Changes in Neuronal Activity. Frontiers in Neuroscience; Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland 13, 986 (2019)
Korecki, A. J.; Hickmott, J. W.; Lam, S. L.; Dreolini, L.; Mathelier, A.; Baker, O.; Kühne, C.; Bonaguro, R. J.; Smith, J.; Tan, C.-V. et al.; Zhou, M.; Goldowitz, D.; Deussing, J. M.; Stewart, A. F.; Wasserman, W. W.; Holt, R. A.; Simpson, E. M.: Twenty-Seven Tamoxifen-Inducible iCre-Driver Mouse Strains for Eye and Brain, Including Seventeen Carrying a New Inducible-First Constitutive-Ready Allele. Genetics 211 (4), S. 1155 - 1177 (2019)
Ezra-Nevo, G.; Volk, N.; Ramot, A.; Kuehne, C.; Tsoory, M.; Deussing, J.; Chen, A.: Inferior olive CRF plays a role in motor performance under challenging conditions. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 8, 107 (2018)
Dedic, N.; Kühne, C.; Jakovcevski, M.; Hartmann, J.; Genewsky, A. J.; Gomes, K. S.; Anderzhanova, E.; Pöhlmann, M. L.; Chang, S.; Kolarz, A. et al.; Vogl, A. M.; Dine, J.; Metzger, M. W.; Schmid, B.; Almada, R. C.; Ressler, K. J.; Wotjak, C. T.; Grinevich, V.; Chen, A.; Schmidt, M. V.; Wurst, W.; Refojo, D.; Deussing, J. M.: Chronic CRH depletion from GABAergic, long-range projection neurons in the extended amygdala reduces dopamine release and increases anxiety. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 21 (6), S. 803 - 807 (2018)
Raftogianni, A.; Roth, L. C.; Garcia-Gonzalez, D.; Bus, T.; Kühne, C.; Monyer, H.; Spergel, D. J.; Deussing, J. M.; Grinevich, V.: Deciphering the Contributions of CRH Receptors in the Brain and Pituitary to Stress-Induced Inhibition of the Reproductive Axis. FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 11, 305 (2018)
Henckens, M. J. A. G.; Printz, Y.; Shamgar, U.; Dine, J.; Lebow, M.; Drori, Y.; Kuehne, C.; Kolarz, A.; Eder, M.; Deussing, J. M. et al.; Justice, N. J.; Yizhar, O.; Chen, A.: CRF receptor type 2 neurons in the posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis critically contribute to stress recovery. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 22 (12), S. 1691 - 1700 (2017)
Kuperman, Y.; Weiss, M.; Dine, J.; Staikin, K.; Golani, O.; Ramot, A.; Nahum, T.; Kuehne, C.; Shemesh, Y.; Wurst, W. et al.; Harmelin, A.; Deussing, J. M.; Eder, M.; Chen, A.: CRFR1 in AgRP Neurons Modulates Sympathetic Nervous System Activity to Adapt to Cold Stress and Fasting. CELL METABOLISM 23 (6), S. 1185 - 1199 (2016)
Kao, C.-Y.; He, Z.; Zannas, A. S.; Hahn, O.; Kühne, C.; Reichel, J. M.; Binder, E. B.; Wotjak, C. T.; Khaitovich, P.; Turck, C. W.: Fluoxetine treatment prevents the inflammatory response in a mouse model of posttraumatic stress disorder. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 76, S. 74 - 83 (2016)
Spyroglou, A.; Riester, A.; Mueller-Peltzer, K.; Lu, A.; Rohde, J.; Hantel, C.; Kuehne, C.; Kühne, C.; Kulle, A.; Riepe, F. et al.; Deussing, J. M.; Beuschlein, F.: Adrenal and Ovarian Phenotype of a Tissue-Specific Urocortin 2-Overexpressing Mouse Model. Endocrinology 156 (7), S. 2646 - 56 (2015)
Gray, J. M.; Vecchiarelli, H. A.; Morena, M.; Lee, T. T. Y.; Hermanson, D. J.; Kim, A. B.; McLaughlin, R. J.; Hassan, K. I.; Kühne, C.; Wotjak, C. T. et al.; Deussing, J. M.; Patel, S.; Hill, M. N.: Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Drives Anandamide Hydrolysis in the Amygdala to Promote Anxiety. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 35 (9), S. 3879 - 3892 (2015)
Sotnikov, S. V.; Chekmareva, N. Y.; Schmid, B.; Harbich, D.; Malik, V.; Bauer, S.; Kuehne, C.; Markt, P. O.; Deussing, J. M.; Schmidt, M. V. et al.; Landgraf, R.: Enriched environment impacts trimethylthiazoline-induced anxiety-related behavior and immediate early gene expression: critical role of Crhr1. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 40 (4), S. 2691 - 2700 (2014)
Dine, J.; Kühne, C.; Deussing, J. M.; Eder, M.: Optogenetic evocation of field inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in hippocampal slices: a simple and reliable approach for studying pharmacological effects on GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptor-mediated neurotransmission. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 8, 2 (2014)
Wang, X.-D.; Su, Y.-A.; Wagner, K. V.; Avrabos, C.; Scharf, S. H.; Hartmann, J.; Wolf, M.; Liebl, C.; Kühne, C.; Wurst, W. et al.; Holsboer, F.; Eder, M.; Deussing, J. M.; Müller, M. B.; Schmidt, M. V.: Nectin-3 links CRHR1 signaling to stress-induced memory deficits and spine loss. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 16 (6), S. 706 - 713 (2013)
Graf, C.; Kuehne, C.; Panhuysen, M.; Puetz, B.; Weber, P.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.; Deussing, J. M.: Corticotropin-releasing hormone regulates common target genes with divergent functions in corticotrope and neuronal cells. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 362 (1-2), S. 29 - 38 (2012)
Kühne, C.; Puk, O.; Graw, J.; de Angelis, M. H.; Schütz, G.; Wurst, W.; Deussing, J. M.: Visualizing Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Type 1 Expression and Neuronal Connectivities in the Mouse Using a Novel Multifunctional Allele. Journal of Comparative Neurology 520 (14), S. 3150 - 3180 (2012)
Dedic, N.; Touma, C.; Romanowski, C. P.; Schieven, M.; Kühne, C.; Ableitner, M.; Lu, A. L.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.; Kimura, M. et al.; Deussing, J. M.: Assessing Behavioural Effects of Chronic HPA Axis Activation Using Conditional CRH-Overexpressing Mice. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 32 (5), S. 815 - 828 (2012)
Refojo, D.; Schweizer, M.; Kuehne, C.; Ehrenberg, S.; Thoeringer, C.; Vogl, A. M.; Dedic, N.; Schumacher, M.; von Wolff, G.; Avrabos, C. et al.; Touma, C.; Engblom, D.; Schütz, G.; Nave, K. A.; Eder, M.; Wotjak, C. T.; Sillaber, I.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.; Deussing, J. M.: Glutamatergic and Dopaminergic Neurons Mediate Anxiogenic and Anxiolytic Effects of CRHR1. Science 333 (6051), S. 1903 - 1907 (2011)
Czibere, L.; Baur, L. A.; Wittmann, A.; Gemmeke, K.; Steiner, A.; Weber, P.; Pütz, B.; Ahmad, N.; Bunck, M.; Graf, C. et al.; Widner, R.; Kühne, C.; Panhuysen, M.; Hambsch, B.; Rieder, G.; Reinheckel, T.; Peters, C.; Holsboer, F.; Landgraf, R.; Deussing, J. M.: Profiling Trait Anxiety: Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Cathepsin B (Ctsb) as a Novel Candidate Gene for Emotionality in Mice. PLoS ONE 6 (8), e23604 (2011)
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