Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Inga D. Neumann

Zeitschriftenartikel (35)

Torner, L.; Plotsky, P. M.; Neumann, I. D.; de Jong, T. R.: Forced swimming-induced oxytocin release into blood and brain: Effects of adrenalectomy and corticosterone treatment. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 77, S. 165 - 174 (2017)
Singewald, N.; Hauschild, M.; Sartori, S. B.; Muigg, P.; Landgraf, R.; Hefner, K.; Camp, M.; Neumann, I. D.; Holmes, A.; Whittle, N.: Rodent models of impaired fear extinction: therapeutic approaches. European Neuropsychopharmacology 21 (Suppl. 3), S. S224 - S224 (2011)
Lukas, M.; Bredewold, R.; Landgraf, R.; Neumann, I. D.; Veenema, A. H.: Early life stress impairs social recognition due to a blunted response of vasopressin release within the septum of adult male rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology 36 (6), S. 843 - 853 (2011)
Kessler, M. S.; Bosch, O. J.; Bunck, M.; Landgraf, R.; Neumann, I. D.: Maternal care differs in mice bred for high vs. low trait anxiety: Impact of brain vasopressin and cross-fostering. Social Neuroscience 6 (2), S. 156 - 168 (2011)
Bosch, O. J.; Pförtsch, J.; Beiderbeck, D. I.; Landgraf, R.; Neumann, I. D.: Maternal Behaviour is Associated with Vasopressin Release in the Medial Preoptic Area and Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis in the Rat. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 22 (5), S. 420 - 429 (2010)
Ross, H. E.; Cole, C. D.; Smith, Y.; Neumann, I. D.; Landgraf, R.; Murphy, A. Z.; Young, L. J.: Characterization of the oxytocin system regulating affiliative behaviour in female prairie voles. Neuroscience 162 (4), S. 892 - 903 (2009)
Lucassen, P. J.; Bosch, O. J.; Jousma, E.; Krömer, S. A.; Andrew, R.; Seckl, J. R.; Neumann, I. D.: Prenatal stress reduces postnatal neurogenesis in rats selectively bred for high, but not low, anxiety: possible key role of placental 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2. European Journal of Neuroscience 29 (1), S. 97 - 103 (2009)
Jochum, T.; Boettger, M. K.; Wigger, A.; Beiderbeck, D.; Neumann, I. D.; Landgraf, R.; Sauer, H.; Bar, K. J.: Decreased sensitivity to thermal pain in rats bred for high anxiety-related behaviour is attenuated by citalopram or diazepam treatment. Behavioural Brain Research 183 (1), S. 18 - 24 (2007)
Mathe, A. A.; Gruber, S. H. M.; El Khoury, A.; Beiderbeck, D.; Neumann, I. D.; Landgraf, R.: Brain biochemistry markers differentiate between animal models of anxiety and depression. European Neuropsychopharmacology 17 (Suppl. 4), S. S510 - S511 (2007)
Douglas, A. J.; Meddle, S. L.; Kroemer, S.; Bosch, O. J.; Neumann, I. D.: Social stress induces hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis responses in lactating rats bred for high trait anxiety. European Journal of Neuroscience 25 (5), S. 1599 - 1603 (2007)
Gruber, S. H. M.; Beiderbeck, D. I.; Khoury, A. E.; Södergren, A.; Landgraf, R.; Neumann, I. D.; Mathe, A. A.: Neuropetide Y, calcitonin gene-related peptide and CRH in brain of rats bred for high anxiety-related behaviors. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 61 (6), S. 497 - 497 (2007)
Neumann, I. D.; Torner, L.; Toschi, N.; Veenema, A. H.: Oxytocin actions within the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei: differential effects on peripheral and intranuclear vasopressin release. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 291 (1), S. R29 - R36 (2006)
Bosch, O. J.; Krömer, S. A.; Neumann, I. D.: Prenatal stress: opposite effects on anxiety and hypothalamic expression of vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing hormone in rats selectively bred for high and low anxiety. European Journal of Neuroscience 23 (2), S. 541 - 551 (2006)
Ebner, K.; Bosch, O. J.; Krömer, S. A.; Singewald, N.; Neumann, I. D.: Release of oxytocin in the rat central amygdala modulates stress-coping behavior and the release of excitatory amino acids. Neuropsychopharmacology 30 (2), S. 223 - 230 (2005)
Neumann, I. D.; Wigger, A.; Krömer, S.; Frank, E.; Landgraf, R.; Bosch, O. J.: Differential effects of periodic maternal separation on adult stress coping in a rat model of extremes in trait anxiety. Neuroscience 132, S. 867 - 877 (2005)
Bosch, O. J.; Krömer, S. A.; Brunton, P. J.; Neumann, I. D.: Release of oxytocin in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, but not central amygdala or lateral septum in lactating residents and virgin intruders during maternal defence. Neuroscience 124 (2), S. 439 - 448 (2004)
Lancel, M.; Krömer, S.; Neumann, I. D.: Intracerebral oxytocin modulates sleep-wake behaviour in male rats. Regulatory Peptides 114 (2-3), S. 145 - 152 (2003)
Neumann, I. D.; Toschi, N.; Ohl, F.; Torner, L.; Krömer, S. A.: Maternal defence as an emotional stressor in female rats: Correlation of neuroendocrine and behavioural parameters and involvement of brain oxytocin. European Journal of Neuroscience 13, S. 1016 - 1024 (2001)
Torner, L.; Toschi, N.; Pohlinger, A.; Landgraf, R.; Neumann, I. D.: Anxiolytic and anti-stress effects of brain prolactin: improved efficacy of antisense targeting of the prolactin receptor by molecular modeling. Journal of Neuroscience 21, S. 3207 - 3214 (2001)
Blackburn-Munro, G.; Brown, C. H.; Neumann, I. D.; Landgraf, R.; Russell, J. A.: Verapamil prevents withdrawal excitation of oxytocin neurones in morphine-dependent rats. Neuropharmacology 39, S. 1596 - 1607 (2000)
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